Saturday, November 22, 2008


I met with Pastor Ray this morning for breakfast. When he asked me last night to meet with him, I was hoping we were going to go to “his” McDonald’s in Holly Springs (he frequents this particular location and drinks all of their Iced Hazelnut coffee). Unfortunately, Monica needed the car to finish Christmas shopping (she’s WAY ahead of schedule this year, whoo hoo) so Pastor Ray picked me up and we went to the Woodstock McD’s. Any ba-doodle, good food + good company=great morning.

After that I mowed the yard…….mowed the leaves. I wouldn’t have thought it, but it turns out it is much more work mowing leaves in the yard than to actually cut the grass. In all fairness though, it had been a while since I mowed and all the trees have shed the last of their leaves. At least the weather cooperated and it was dry and somewhat warm (ie-not FREEZING!). I’ll have to spread the pinestraw on the back hill tomorrow…energy ran out.

Looking forward to church tomorrow!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I’m kind of cheating here, but let me go back to last Friday and tell you about a round of golf with my Dad. So last week I was blessed with having a “gravy train” week, as I like to call it, when I worked four days, had a three day weekend, AND I played a round of golf…does it get any better? So Dad and I were battling it out on the frontside, back and forth, back and forth, and at the mid-point of our round we were tied. I’ve seen this before and wasn’t thinking anything of it as I know the backside can tell an entirely different story. The backside seemed just like all our other rounds and honestly I wasn’t thinking or even keeping up with how the scoring was going. Anyway, right before we pulled up to the par-3 17th, we took a look at the scores to find I was up by 3 strokes. Still, I’ve seen a “lead” like this evaporate in a single hole before…so I just tried to stay calm and play the game. I played a safe shot over the water, making SURE I had more than enough club….phew, I made it safely in the middle of the green. When Dad’s tee shot landed in the water…I simply couldn’t believe it. I can’t tell you how many rounds Dad and I have played so far, but it seems every time he needs a shot, he nails it. However, fortunately or unfortunately, golf is just that type of game. I think that’s why I love the game so much; you never know what might happen. Anyway, we finished off 17 and 18 and at last, the very first round my score was a smidgen less than Dad’s actually was here…what a journey it has been.

Thanks so much Dad for all those rounds while I was just learning the game; your patience was amazing (golf is a MUCH slower game when you first start…definitely not an easy game)! I’ve enjoyed every round thus far, and look forward to the rest!

I haven’t figured out how this happened, but I am taking this Friday off (tomorrow) to play golf again. Two weeks in a row, I’m so excited! Dad, I know you’ll be gunning for the top again…I wouldn’t expect any less. Whoo hoo, let’s tee it up!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Alright, so I have wanted to start a blog for a while now, but just haven't had a ton of time to do so. There are several blogs I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with and they have inspired me to give it a try. While my style will likely be much different, I hope that you’ll enjoy reading and will visit often. Also, Monica is tearing up the blog world too and already has 6 or 7 posts; check it out if you haven’t already.

So what do I hope to accomplish through this virtual journal? I see it as a way to communicate some of the more interesting day-to-day activities that over time get lost in the mix. Often times I'll talk to family or friends who I haven't spoken to in a while, and cannot for the life of me remember all that has happened since we spoke last. This way, between our phone calls, you can check out the blog and get the scoop! Also, I definitely would appreciate any comments you guys may have.

Anyway, that’s enough formalities/introduction. Here goes nothing…